USPS Postal Work Room Flooring
EPF has a cost effective and durable solution, for failing USPS asphalt plank flooring. The replacement is PumaCRETE 401 ECO® manufactured by Puma-Crete Corp. It was developed for the U.S. Postal Service. It is a safe, non toxic material, which is a long term alternative to asphalt plank flooring. PumaCRETE 401 ECO® has been specified, tested & approved for use at USPS facilities.
It may be installed for optimization projects, which require re-use and renovation of existing space that currently has asphalt plant flooring. It may also be used to fill voids where asphalt plant is missing, or to replace damaged asphalt plant.
EPF is a certified applicator for PumaCRETE 401 ECO® manufactured by Puma-CRETE Corp.
Contact Puma-Crete Corp for more information, sales and installers for your area CONTACT PAGE or call Puma-Crete 857-226-8247.

For retro-fit applications, this resurfacer may eliminate the need for concrete slab removal and replacement. PumaCRETE ECO® is also cost effective protection for new construction.
EXTREME DURABILITY – Typically installed at ¼ to ¾ inch thickness, it has the ultimate in durability. It resists abrasion from the wheels of heavy carts, constant forklift traffic, and other typical material handling equipment. PumaCRETE ECO® is installed over a properly prepared concrete substrate.
MOISTURE TOLERANT – Unlike other materials, it handles high levels of moisture (from above and below slab), without buckling or lifting. Additional features include:
- NON TOXIC This water based material is virtually odor free during installation.
- FAST TURNAROUND Cures quickly, allowing heavy traffic to resume in less than 24 hrs.
- LOW MAINTENANCE Simply sweep and mop regularly
(acrylic waxable, if high gloss is desired). - WARRANTY 20 years* *PumaCrete ECO warranty terms and conditions apply.
- APPEARANCE Matte finish
- SUBSTRATES Properly prepared concrete.
- FINISHES: Standard finish is matte. Waxing will provide a high gloss finish.
- COLORS: Available in black and 4 standard colors.
- TEXTURE Orange peel texture.

E P Floors Corp. is a certified national applicator, and authorized distributor of PumaCRETE ECO® flooring. For more information, go to our contact page, or call us at 800.808.7773